• Bluetooth Usb Host Controller Driver Bootcamp

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    1. Bluetooth Usb Host Controller Driver Boot Camp Windows 10

    I have installed Windows 7 on MacBook Pro using BootCamp. Usually when turning my Bluetooth headset on and trying to pair it with Mac for the first time, Windows fails to install the drivers and opens a solution in Action Center, which suggests to download the driver from the Broadcom webpage. This used to work for me before, drivers were installed and everything worked well. However now, when I start the driver installer, it would get stuck at 'Detecting Bluetooth Device' stage. There is also a warning with text, which says 'Please plug in or turn on your Bluetooth device':

    And VirtualBox or the forums do not have any drivers, to begin with. As In the topic 'Driver for win 10 on macbook air' the driver is for guest Windows 10, the host is OS X Sierra in Macbook Air 13 2016. Add driver to the system Run WindowsSupport BootCamp Drivers Broadcom BroadcomBluetooth64.exe (probably similar procedure will work for WiFi, so you could also run BroadcomWirelessUDMx64.exe to add drivers to the system) Install the driver 1. Open Device Manager 2. Right-click on the device (Bluetooth USB Host Controller) 3. Update the driver 4.

    Bluetooth Usb Host Controller Driver Bootcamp

    I have tried turning my headset on/off, bringing it into pairing mode, installing/uninstalling device to/from the Bluetooth Devices. None of these worked. Any ideas?

    Sergiy BelozorovSergiy BelozorovSergiy Belozorov

    6 Answers

    I've found that installing the Acer Broadcom Bluetooth driver on the following web page works for a late 2010 15' MacBook Pro running Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit under BootCamp:

    Before installing the driver the laptop would detect the Bluetooth device (Creative D200 speakers) but not be able to pair due to lack of a driver, which it then searched for but could not download. After installation the speakers work fine. They use the A2DP high quality BlueTooth audio codec.


    Apparently what it tries to find is the bluetooth receiver itself, not the device that connect to it (e.g. headset, mouse etc.). I have no idea why it didn't work with built-in device that is somewhere inside my laptop, but it did with another external bluetooth usb thumb. Once I have plugged it in, the installer has recognized it and installed drivers. Apparently same drivers worked for my built-in bluetooth, so i just unplugged usb thumb and since then it works for me. Hope this will be useful for someone.

    Sergiy BelozorovSergiy Belozorov

    As @bagasas notes, just install the Broadcom drivers and everything seems to fix itself: driver download link


    This was driving me nuts. I put in a larger SSD today going from a 120GB to a 240GB and blew away my Windows partition to make the process easier to expand OS X, etc. After installing Windows again, the only thing in Device Manager that wouldn't load was the Bluetooth USB Host Controller. Tried every package in Bootcamp for version 4.0.4033 and 5.0.5033 and no luck.

    Finally I came across this site:Solution: How to get Bluetooth to work in Parallels 7.

    1. Basically, right-click the device in Device Manager, go to Properties, select Details tab, choose Hardware Ids from Property drop down. Copy the shortest value.(For illustration, he reports that his was USBVID_05AC&PID_8218.)

    2. Find your bootcamp drivers and under bootcamp/drivers/apple/x64 copy AppleBluetoothInstaller64 to a folder on your desktop and unzip it. I use WinRAR to extract to the same folder.

    3. Find the files that got extracted/unzipped and, using Notepad, edit the file called AppleBT64.inf.

    4. Look for the following lines:

      Get rid of the last two lines, i.e., the following:

      And add this line (paste your value you got earlier in place of USBVID_05ac&PID_8218):

      So in the end it should look like the following:

    5. Save the changes.

    6. Select Update the driver for the Bluetooth device in Device Manager and point it to the folder with the extracted/unzipped files and it should install the Bluetooth drivers then.

    Updated:Just found this link as well that does the same thing:http://kb.parallels.com/en/113274


    Easiest way on Windows 10 this worked for Late Mac 2013 with i7 intel (just figured it out)

    1. Uninstall the current driver from Properties tab
    2. Go back into properties tab and it should give you the option to install a driver because there is none installed.
    3. add driver from list of available drivers already on windows when it prompts you to browse (should be the options underneath the browse one telling you to install from already available windows drivers)
    4. on the list shown with all the manufacturers choose Broadcom then under the sub list that appears chose the ANYCOM USB-200/250 Blue tooth Adapter.

    Woila! itll detect everything on your MacBook and you should be able to connect your mouse to the computer at that point it takes about a minute or two to start seeing the mouse work and I'm assuming any hardware you try to connect will be similar. Not sure why people are making it difficult using editors etc this worked flawlessly.

    Good Luck!

    Guillermo L.Guillermo L.

    This link worked for my W7 running on a macbook pro 2010http://support.lenovo.com/be/fr/downloads/ds003619


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    I had a Boot Camp partition with Windows 7 on my 2008-era MacBook Pro, and everything worked fine.

    I have a new MacBook Pro. I partitioned it using the Boot Camp Assistant, and then I copied my old Boot Camp partition using Winclone. After booting into Windows on the new Mac, I ran the Boot Camp Windows Support stuff, which supposedly installed current drivers. Almost everything works fine: I have the hi-res display, trackpad works fine, sound works fine, etc.

    However, Bluetooth isn't working at all. When I try to add a device, no Bluetooth devices appear in the list. In Device Manager, the 'Apple Broadcom Built-in Bluetooth' icon has a yellow warning triangle on it.

    I tried uninstalling that driver and then re-running the Boot Camp Windows Support setup, but I'm back to the same situation.

    Any suggestions? (Other than reinstalling Windows and all my Windows applications from scratch.)

    Kristopher JohnsonKristopher JohnsonKristopher Johnson

    1 Answer

    Apparently the problem is that the 'Apple Broadcom Built-in Bluetooth' driver is not the right one for the new hardware. Here's what I did to fix it:

    • Open Device Manager, open the Bluetooth Radios subtree, right-click the 'Apple Broadcom Built-in Bluetooth' icon, and choose the 'Update Driver Software..' menu item.
    • Choose 'Browse my computer for driver software'
    • Choose 'Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer'
    • Select 'Apple Inc.' for Manufacturer, and 'Apple Built-in Bluetooth' for Model, and click Next.

    After the driver installed, 'Apple Broadcom Built-in Bluetooth' had been replaced by 'Apple Built-in Bluetooth' and 'Microsoft Bluetooth Enumerator' in the Bluetooth Radios subtree of Device Manager, and I was then able to use the Add a device wizard to set up my Bluetooth mouse and keyboard.

    Kristopher JohnsonKristopher Johnson

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